Friday, March 21, 2008

Meowww Winners

"Ken" was the first to identify the bier as Trappist Achel.
Mr. Gamjams correctly identified the owner of the legs as Vanderkitten's Liz Hatch (with the lead out going to Peddlin' Around Kyle).

Thanks to those who played and I will try to get a contest for the one or two women that read my blog to enjoy (yes, that would be you J up in UMW). And no it won't be a pic of the Polish National Team.

Thanks to Liz for letting me put her pic on my blog (yes, I got permission).

Check out more of Liz at "A Life Behind (Handle)Bars".

As far as my cycling - my first race of the season will be the Conquer the Canal TT on April 12th. I wonder how 3 months of no serious training will hinder me?

Before that I will be multisporting it at the Smithfield Tri. Race report will follow on here or my running blog -

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